
At the Tribal Council Meeting on April 5, 2019, the Tribal Council addressed the concern regarding the terms of office of the Election Board after 3 past Tribal Council resolutions were recently discovered from calendar years 2014 and 2015. As a result, the Tribal Council passed Resolution No. 2019-49 and determined that the 4-year terms of 2 Election Board Members had already expired and that the term of a third Election Board Member would expire later this year. The current Election Board Members are Powers Whiskers, Sr., Daisy Bennett and Heather Salaba. The 2 seats on the Election Board that are currently vacant are for the “Northern Area” and “Between 18 and 34 years old” seats. The Tribal Council did not make any new appointments to the Election Board to fill these seats during the Tribal Council Meeting.

Also, Resolution No. 2019-49 amends the Election Ordinance to set a schedule that will stagger Election Board appointments in the future so that each Tribal Council that is serving will always have an opportunity to appoint Election Board Members. These amendments to the Election Ordinance are now posted in Title 4, Chapter 1, Article III of the Election Ordinance.

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