
Health Dept

The San Juan Southern Paiute Tribe

About the Tribal Health Dept.

The Health Administration will improve and support a healthy environment and provide premium patient care by maximizing all available resources, honoring the Tribal traditions, respecting the dignity of each person, and observing high moral and ethical standard.

Meet the Tribal health dept

San Juan Southern Paiute
Tribal Health Department

The Tribal Health Team | San Juan Southern Paiute Tribe.

Dr. Jordon Begay
Health Department Director
Office: (928) 575-8237
Email: j.begay@sanjuanpaiute-nsn.gov
Health Department Secretary
Office: (928) 846-4870
Email: @sanjuanpaiute-nsn.gov
Theresa Mexican
Community Health Representative
Office: (928) 766-0037
Email: t.mexican@sanjuanpaiute-nsn.gov
LeDaniel Gishie
Fitness & Wellness Coordinator
Office: (928) 955-4963
Email: l.gishie@sanjuanpaiute-nsn.gov
Kaitlyn Simeona
Wellness and Prevention Aide |
Office: (928) 764-7749
Email: k.simeona@sanjuanpaiute-nsn.gov