Please be advised that the San Juan Paiute Tribe's Community Health
Representatives along with a Tribal Council member will perform home visits to gather
health-related information for the tribe's reporting to the funding agency and further tribal
member's needs.
The CHR Program provides curable disease(s), preventive rehabilitative, and family
services. Theresa's CHR program provides Health Care Education, Health Promotion,
Disease Prevention programs, and services to Tribal Members at the Tribe's Health
Department. These services include, but are not limited to:
The purpose of the Community Health Representatives Program (CHR Program) is to
provide a variety of health services and health promotion/disease prevention services to
Tribal Members through the provision of community-oriented primary care services,
including traditional Native concepts.
The program is intended to improve the health knowledge, attitudes, and practices of
Tribal Members by promoting, supporting, and assisting the Indian Health Services in
delivering a total health care program.
We appreciate your cooperation members.