
Law & Order Code of  The San Juan Southern Paiute Tribe

Title 4 Chapter 1


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§ 701 Submission of Nominations

A. At the nomination meeting, all eligible voters may submit nominations for any vacant Tribal Council seat.

B. Nominations shall be submitted in writing on an Official Nomination Form similar to Form D in the Appendix to this Ordinance.

C. A person may not be nominated as a candidate for more than one vacant seat.

D. The Election Board shall allow all eligible voters who wish to speak at the nomination meeting to do so. The Election Board may reasonably limit the time allowed for each speaker.

[Legislative History: Enacted by Resolution No. 97-12, 3/19/1997; Amendment and Restatement by Resolution No. 2019-162, 12/18/2019]

§ 702 Background Checks

A. All nominees shall submit the following to the Election Board at the Tribal Administration Office by 5:00 p.m. (MST) on or before the Friday immediately following the date of the nomination meeting:

  1. A completed local tribal background check;
  2. A federal fingerprint clearance card; and
  3. A money order in the amount as designated by the Election Board in the Notice of Election to pay for the processing of the background check.

B. The Election Board shall use background checks to confirm that nominees meet the criminal background requirements as set forth in Article 4, Section 401(D) of this Ordinance and Article VIII, Section 6 of the Constitution.

C. The Election Board shall disqualify any nominees who fail or refuse to submit their background check information by the required deadline.

D. Nominees who are found to have served twelve (12) or more consecutive months in any federal, state, or tribal jail or prison shall be disqualified.

[Legislative History: Enacted by Resolution No. 2019-162, 12/18/2019]

§ 703 Final List of Candidates

A. Determination and Preparation of Final Candidate List. Immediately after the nomination meeting and receipt of the results from federal and local tribal background checks for each nominee, the Election Board shall review the qualifications of all nominated persons to ensure that they meet the qualifications set forth in Article IV of this Ordinance, Article VIII, Section 6 and Article IX, Section 1(c) of the Constitution. If a nominated person does not meet the qualifications for the seat to which he or she is nominated, the Election Board shall reject that person as a candidate. The Election Board shall then prepare the List of Candidates similar to Form E in the Appendix to this Ordinance.

B. Timing for Posting of Final List of Candidates. If the nomination meeting is held on the same day as the election, the Election Board shall immediately post the List of Candidates at the polling place. If the nomination meeting is not on the same day as the election, the Election Board shall post the List of Candidates in the lobby of the Tribal Administration Office and on the Tribe’s website at least three (3) business days prior to the date of the election, and at the polling place on the day of the election.

[Legislative History: Enacted by Resolution No. 97-12, 3/19/1997; Amendment and Restatement by Resolution No. 2019-162, 12/18/2019]


This online version of the San Juan Southern Paiute Tribe Law & Order Code is maintained by the San Juan Southern Paiute Tribe. Pursuant to Tribal Council Resolution No. 2018-21, the Law & Order Code is to be posted and maintained on the Tribe’s website at all times and the Tribal Administration and General Counsel are responsible for posting newly enacted or amended laws to the Tribe’s website within thirty (30) days of their passages into law. If you have any questions regarding the version of the Code posted on this website or need to confirm that it is the most current version, please contact the Tribal Administration or the Tribe’s General Counsel.
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