
On Saturday, July 20, 2019, the Special Election of the SanJuan Southern Paiute Tribe was held to elect the two (2) new Southern AreaCouncil Members to the seats that became vacant due to the removal of LoraPreston and Tashina Williams from the Tribal Council for converting Tribal property to personal use. 44 ballots were cast. The results, which were certified by all five members of the Election Board, were as follows:

Southern Area Council (2016-2020) –Hope John (38 votes)

Southern Area Council (2017-2021) –Carmelita Homer (22 votes)

Earl Blackhair, Jr. (17 votes)

Ms. Williams and Ms. Preston; have filed appeals with the Tribal Court contesting their removal from the Tribal Council on April 11,2019. Also, at least one challenge to the Special Election has been filed as ofJuly 24, 2019. All challenges must be decided on by the Tribal Court before new Council Members can be sworn into office.

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